Lets begins with why we repair appliances in the first place, the obvious answer would be to save money of course, at-least that was the only worry we had back a couple decades ago.
Now, we have a crazy global crisis on our hands called climate change, now tell me do you know where appliances go when you throw them away? If you guessed straight into a landmine you guessed right. In most cases it’s really difficult to recycle thrown away appliances, especially when they are fully assembled. Probably one of the worst ways to create a waste in our ever so fragile ecosystem as it is today. It’s not just about saving a buck anymore, it’s about something much bigger that can be prevented if we do our due diligence in repairing what we have and not turning a blind eye to what our future will be.
Since appliances began in the mid early 1900’s they had an everlasting mechanics to them, they did still break like everything, but at a way lower rate than traditional residential appliances do today. I am not pointing fingers at any company and saying it’s not necessarily their fault, but instead the evolution of technology has made thus appliances break more frequently. With inserting electronics into them.
If you own an appliance i am talking directly to you, if you own old appliances and you think they are too old to fix or the fact that they are just too “old” stop right there you are falling into a trap. The fact of the matter is the older your appliance is the higher the lively hood it has, and that is a proven fact. I am not trying to start a mob against appliance companies and go after them, i am just stating what i see from an insider perspective into this matter and you can take advantage as well as save money and the planet.