Now you are probably thinking this is some kind of scheme right ? No Actually it is not this will actually increase the life span of your washing machine if done consistently and properly.

The Short Answer is for everyone who does not like to stay through this article is = Do not Overload !!!
How ? you ask well you see the Front load washing machine was designed to be more delicate and more efficient with water and the way it handles the clothes, beileve it or not for the front load washing machine a full load is actually half of the space of the washing machine. Now you are probably scratchign your head asking yourself half ? What i mean by that if you look at your washing machine facing it, it is a full circle, now cut the circle in half and that is how much a “full designated load” is on a front loadingf washing machine, Reason behind this being is that if you put half which is a “full load” you have half of the space left for the clothes to actually move around when it goes for a 180 tumble turn, and hence you also get better washability, that is how the front load washing machine was originally designed to be, but if you pass half and fully fill it up what happens ?
The Spyder Assembly
The “spyder assembly” is this 3 legged metal Arm in between your innner tub and outer tub pretty much what it does it rotates the inner tub which is where your clothes are, and hence rinses or tumbles your clothing to get your washing action. Now what happens when you put full loads over the months and years is that is actually puts immense stress on this arm and one day the arm snaps, which in case is a very expensive repair.
Proper Amounts for specific types of fabrics
For normal fabrics like everydaye clothing you can fill up to half, now for anything else like Towels, Bed sheets, Carpets, thigns like this you can do go 25% of the Tub since it is extremely heavy. Those types of clothing is what tends to cause the most damage to your washing machine.
Now that you know the secret ! Go spread the word that the appliance stores arent telling you about ! As well as enjoy not buying a washing machine for the next decade !